
Showing posts from May, 2023

David Alexander: An Amazing Testimony or Mormon Myth? (Part 2)

This is Part 2 of our David Alexander series: Part 1 We continue our examination of Alexander with his second video posted on March 7th, 2023: Alexander shares that he was saved at the age of 21 and was part of the Jesus Movement / Jesus People .  He also mentions that he has tried a lot of different flavors (denominations) of Evangelicalism / Christianity, what exactly they all were he doesn't say, however.  Though, it would certainly shed significantly more light on his past & his theology, were he to do so at some point in the future. He spends a lot of time speaking about John 17:20-24, where he twists the text to say a lot of things that it doesn't actually say, nor does it support his conclusion of it somehow affirming Mormonism.  He tips his hand a little more here, by criticizing Sola Scriptura.  For some reason he calls it ‘ Scripture Sola ’ which is not the way adherents like me would use the term or refer to it by.  I have no way of knowing wit...

David Alexander: An Amazing Testimony or Mormon Myth? (Part 1)

Over the course of the last 30 years or so, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (hereafter referred to as the ' Mormon Church ') has made a carefully orchestrated effort to slowly re-brand themselves as just another Christian denomination. There are many moving parts involved with that endeavor, here are a few examples: A.) The current President of the Mormon Church, Russel M. Nelson saying that " using the term Mormon is a victory for Satan " and insisting that it's members, but the rest of the world as well refer to them by the correct, full name of the church, and to referring its members as Latter-Day Saints. B.) In the Church's Gospel Topics essay titled: " Are Mormons Christian? " where they freely acknowledge "they [Mormons] do not accept the creeds & confessions, and that they are not Roman Catholic, Easter Orthodox, nor Protestant." but also say " Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints u...