David Alexander: An Amazing Testimony or Mormon Myth? (Part 2)
This is Part 2 of our David Alexander series: Part 1 We continue our examination of Alexander with his second video posted on March 7th, 2023: Alexander shares that he was saved at the age of 21 and was part of the Jesus Movement / Jesus People . He also mentions that he has tried a lot of different flavors (denominations) of Evangelicalism / Christianity, what exactly they all were he doesn't say, however. Though, it would certainly shed significantly more light on his past & his theology, were he to do so at some point in the future. He spends a lot of time speaking about John 17:20-24, where he twists the text to say a lot of things that it doesn't actually say, nor does it support his conclusion of it somehow affirming Mormonism. He tips his hand a little more here, by criticizing Sola Scriptura. For some reason he calls it ‘ Scripture Sola ’ which is not the way adherents like me would use the term or refer to it by. I have no way of knowing wit...