Mormon apologetics: Appeals to theosis critically examined
Theosis or Apotheosis: Which is it? Have you ever talked to a Mormon, either online or in person who quoted one of the early church fathers to support their belief that they can become a god in the next life? If so, you're likely already aware that Mormons believe in a doctrine called ' eternal progression ', and when speaking with Roman Catholics, Eastern Orthodox or Protestants/Evangelicals they will often claim that such a doctrine was taught by the early church fathers in their literature (Patristics), and is best known today as ' theosis '. This is then usually followed up with one or more quotations that in some cases, truly do seem to lend support to such a claim. However, it must be pointed out that this is a false equivocation on the part of the Mormon and is by no means a novel tactic. ( See this excellent article from Fred Anson on for more information ) The definition of theosis that Mormons functionally use is actually known as apot...