Refuting Connor Smith & FAIRMormon on alleged False Prophecies in the Bible
Last week, a follower notified me of this post in the Somewhat Civil Christian Debates FaceBook group by their Mormon moderator: In this article, we are going to explore Smith's arguments & whether or not they hold any water under scrutiny, and I shall do my best to respond point by point. First , I'd like to point out that Smith is not giving credit to his source for these allegations of false prophecies in the Bible. The content of Smith's forthcoming arguments originates (almost verbatim) from this FAIRMormon / LDS article and if one takes the time to compare the two, it is rather plain to see that he is well... plagiarizing his peers arguments here. Of course, Smith is free to do as he pleases on the internet. However I cannot help but wonder, why he didn't bother to just drop the link & point people to the relevant sections to read it for themselves? But I digress. Those of us who are not believing members of the Mormon religion, may already be famil...