Bad Cavalry Apologetics - Part 4: Satan is called god of this world

Previous articles from this series: Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Argument: Anderson's argument contains six major distractions from his central affirmation: Creation ex nihilo discussion - A Red Herring fallacy. The whole discussion about whether Jesus created Satan from nothing diverts attention from the core argument about monotheism and the meaning of "god." Jesus creating Satan (Colossians 1:16) - Non Sequitur fallacy. The argument that being created by Jesus would make Satan a true deity doesn't follow logically from the premises. Problem of evil references (1 John 3:8) - Red Herring and Appeal to Emotion fallacies. The question "Why create Satan only to destroy his works?" is emotionally charged rhetoric that's irrelevant to the logical validity of monotheism. Technical discussion of the Tetragrammaton (YHWH) - Red Herring fallacy. The technical terminology about Hebrew names of God adds complexity without contributing to the logical argument. ...